ALU + Benchling

ALU + Benchling
Photo by Clark Tibbs / Unsplash

We are excited to announce that the ALU team has joined Benchling, the leading cloud-based platform for biotech R&D. We will be developing new AI capabilities to help scientists around the world unlock discoveries and accelerate innovation.

As a part of this change, Connie AI, our supercharged AI search tool for Confluence will be shutting down. We are also open-sourcing our development of llm-structured-output and pseudo-SQL. llm-structured output both speeds up the performance of LLMs when generating JSON output, while strictly guiding the LLM to output JSON that is guaranteed to be valid according to a provided schema. pSQL is our LLM optimized structured data analysis engine that allows for an LLM to provide operations matching a JSON schema against a dataset to be executed. In addition to the result-set a human-friendly operations string is also provided.

We appreciate everyone's support and encouragement, and look forward to what we can do at Benchling.

♥️ Oscar & Matt